Bed Bug Treatment and Extermination
Things That Go Bump in the Night
We have a universal fear of a bed bug infiltration. These pesky little parasites lurk in cracks and crevices and, for centuries, they’ve been living on human blood. They carry no real health hazard – they aren’t known to transmit disease or pose any serious medical risk – but these stubborn little critters can leave itchy and unsightly bites.
Bedbugs don’t always leave marks, though, and the best way to tell if you have a bedbug infestation is to see the live, apple-seed-size critters for yourself. Unfortunately, once bedbugs become full-time residents in your home or business, they can be difficult to exterminate without the professional help of a bed bug treatment and extermination company.
Bed bugs don’t have wings and can’t fly – nor can they jump. However, their narrow body shape and uncanny ability to live for months without food allow them to stow away and hide in the seams and folds of luggage, bags, and clothes – which helps them easily make their way into your home. They also take shelter behind wallpaper and inside bedding, box springs, and furniture – places that a professional bed bug treatment and extermination company will inspect and treat. The bed bugs that feed on people can crawl more than 100 feet in a night, but they typically creep to within eight feet of the spot its human hosts sleep.
Bed Bugs are Smart and Elusive
Bed bugs know how to stay out of sight, hiding during the day in mattress crevices, box springs, baseboards, in picture frames, behind electrical switch plates, and even behind wallpaper.
The emerge at nighttime, attracted to the carbon dioxide we exhale. Thus, finding your happy bed bug residents is difficult and best left to a bed bug treatment and extermination company.
Bed bugs also have a predictable feeding pattern. Once a bed bug finds a host – usually a person sound asleep in bed – it will usually feed for five to 10 minutes until it is completely full. Sometimes, we jokingly refer to the bite pattern that bed bugs leave while feeding as breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Still, those bite marks are no laughing matter, and the bite marks they leave behind – often in clusters or in a row on exposed skin on the chest, arms, or legs – are telltale signs of a bed bug infestation. If this is happening to you, it’s time to call Eco Pest Control, the leading bed bug treatment and extermination company in the greater Richmond, Newport News, and Williamsburg areas.
Why You Don’t Wake Up When Being bitten By Bed Bugs
If you hear people say they find it strange that the bed bug bites never wake them up, well, it’s not so strange after all. That’s because the components in bed bug saliva act as an anesthetic and promote increased blood flow at the bite site, making the feeding process quick and nearly painless.
After feeding, the bed bug doesn’t need additional food for five to 10 days. During this time, they move to secluded places to hide, while spending this feeding sabbatical to digest their meal, mate, and lay eggs.
It is hard to tell if you’ve been bitten by a bed bug unless you find bed bugs or signs of infestation. Most people don’t realize they have been bitten until bite marks appear anywhere from one to several days after the initial bite. The bite marks are like that of a mosquito or a flea — a slightly swollen and red area that may itch and be irritating. The bite marks may be random or appear in a straight line.
If you have a bed bug infestation, don’t try to treat it alone. Instead, contact a licensed bed bug treatment and extermination company trained on the unique habits of these parasites. If you contact Eco Pest Control, we will come out to inspect your home and recommend an effective course of treatment.
When Should I Call a Bed Bug Treatment and Extermination Company
Bed bugs are tiny, but they’re not invisible. If you notice multiple bed bugs in a single area, it’s time to call a professional bed bug treatment and extermination company. Bed bugs don’t have nests or colonies, so an increase in visible population means the infestation has gotten much worse.
Bed bugs prefer mattresses and furniture because they can hide easily and have access to a food source. If bed bugs begin to appear along windowsills, electrical outlets, computer keyboards, or any other unusual places, then the bed bug population has gotten too large for the typical hiding spots. It’s time to call Eco Pest Control, the leading bed bug treatment and extermination company in the greater Richmond, Newport News, and Williamsburg areas.
Why Eco Pest Control is the Leading Bed Bug Treatment and Extermination Company in the Richmond, Newport News, and Williamsburg Areas
Losing sleep over bed bugs? Rely on Eco Pest Control, the leading bed bug treatment and extermination company in the greater Richmond, Newport News, and Williamsburg areas. We give you four reasons why you can trust us to take care of your bed bug problem.
- Our company provides staff with extensive training in the treatment and extermination of bed bugs that enables them to solve your most basic bed bug problems.
- We invest in ongoing education in the treatment and extermination of bed bugs to ensure we stay abreast of industry advances.
- We offer free bed bug inspections, which come with a complimentary bed bug treatment and extermination plan.
- We offer a 100% customer satisfaction guarantee. If you are not fully satisfied, we will come back for free. What else would you expect from the leading bed bug treatment and extermination company?
- Environmental Protection Agency: Bed Bugs: Get Them Out and Keep Them Out
- National Pest Management Association: Bed Bugs
- Mayo Clinic: Bed Bugs: Symptoms and Causes
Bed Bugs, From National Geographic
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