Common Questions About Bed Bug Exterminators

Common Questions About Bed Bug Exterminators

Are you dealing with a bed bug infestation? If so, you’re probably looking for a reliable and effective way to get rid of them. Hiring a professional exterminator is often the best solution, but it can be difficult to know what questions to ask when looking for one.

Questions such as “Is it safe?” and “What techniques do they use?” are important considerations when choosing an exterminator. It’s also important to make sure that the company has experience in dealing with bed bugs as well as other pests. As the leading bed bug exterminator in the greater Richmond, Williamsburg, and Newport News areas, we know a thing or two about bed bugs, and here are seven of the most common questions people ask us about hiring a bed bug exterminator.

1. What methods do bed bug exterminators use to get rid of bed bugs?

Bed bug exterminators have several methods at their disposal for getting rid of bed bugs. The methods used will depend on the extent of the infestation your specific needs. In general, the methods used by bed bug exterminators can be divided into three categories: chemical treatments, heat treatments, and freezing treatments.

Chemical treatments involve the use of insecticides that are designed to target bed bugs. These treatments may be applied as sprays or dust, and can be used on both infested areas and areas that are at risk of becoming infested. In some cases, bed bug exterminators will also use insecticides that are applied directly to the body of the bed bugs, which can provide faster results.

Heat treatments involve the use of high temperatures to kill bed bugs. This method is particularly effective for infestations in confined spaces, such as small apartments, hotel rooms, or dormitories. Bed bug exterminators may use special heaters, fans, and other equipment to heat the infested area to a level that is lethal to bed bugs. This method can be very effective, but it is also very time-consuming, and it may not be ideal for larger infestations.

Freezing treatments involve the use of extremely low temperatures to kill bed bugs. This method is particularly effective for infestations in items that can be easily transported, such as luggage or clothing. Bed bug exterminators may use special freezers or other equipment to expose the infested items to temperatures that are lethal to bed bugs. This method is very effective, but it can be expensive, and it may not be ideal for larger infestations.

In addition to these three main methods, bed bug exterminators may also use a variety of other techniques to get rid of bed bugs. For example, they may use vacuum cleaners to suck up bed bugs and their eggs or they may use steam cleaners to kill bed bugs and sterilize infested areas. They may also use traps and monitoring devices to detect bed bugs and prevent them from spreading.

2. Are the methods used by bed bug exterminators safe for humans and pets?

The safety of methods used by bed bug exterminators for humans and pets is a critical concern for many people considering hiring them. Fortunately, pest control companies use insecticides that have gone through extensive testing to ensure their safety for humans and pets when used correctly. In addition, bed bug extermination methods are designed to be as safe as possible while still effectively eliminating bed bugs.

Many bed bug extermination chemicals come in very low concentrations and are specifically designed to target bed bugs while posing a minimal health risk to humans or pets. They are used in small amounts, typically applied with compressed air sprayers or aerosol containers. Pest control professionals are trained to read labels and follow safety protocols to ensure that the chemicals are applied in a way that minimizes any potential risk to humans or pets.

Heat treatments also tend to be quite safe for humans and pets because they do not rely on chemicals. Equipment is used to raise the temperature in infested areas to levels where bed bugs cannot survive. These treatments are often used in hospitals, nursing homes, and other environments where pesticides cannot be used because of the risk of exposure to ill or elderly occupants.

Freezing treatments, such as heat treatments, do not use chemicals and therefore are not harmful to humans or pets. The treatment usually involves freezing infested items with liquid nitrogen or another cooling agent to kill bed bugs.

3. How long does it take for bed bug exterminators to get rid of bed bugs?

The amount of time that it takes for bed bug exterminators to get rid of bed bugs depends on several factors, including the extent of the infestation, the type of treatment used, and your cooperation. In general, it may take several weeks or even months to fully eliminate bed bugs from an infested area.

Chemical treatments can take several days or even weeks to fully eliminate bed bugs, depending on the severity of the infestation. This is because it can take time for the insecticides to penetrate all areas of the infested space and for bed bugs to come into contact with the chemicals. Additionally, chemical treatments may need to be repeated multiple times to ensure that all bed bugs and their eggs are eliminated.

Heat treatments and freezing treatments, on the other hand, can be completed in a matter of hours or days and are effective for eliminating bed bugs and their eggs.

It is important to note that bed bug extermination is not a one-time treatment, and multiple treatments may be necessary to fully eliminate bed bugs from an infested area. Additionally, your cooperation is important in ensuring that bed bug extermination is successful. You need to follow the bed bug exterminator’s instructions regarding preparation for treatment and maintenance after treatment. Regular inspection of the space is also important to notice when signs of bed bugs return.

4. What should I do to prepare for bed bug extermination?

Proper preparation is key to the success of a bed bug extermination treatment. You need to prepare your home for treatment to make sure that it will be successful in eliminating bed bugs. Here are some steps that you can take to prepare for bed bug extermination:

  • Remove all clutter in the infested area: This includes anything that bed bugs can hide in such as toys, magazines, and clothing. Clutter makes bed bug treatment more challenging as bed bugs can hide deep within them.
  • Wash all bed linens, curtains, and clothing in hot water: This helps kill any bed bugs and their eggs on the laundry.
  • Vacuum the infested area: Use a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter to get rid of any possible bed bugs, eggs, and larvae. After vacuuming, dispose of the vacuum bag in a sealed bag or container away from the infested area.
  • Seal cracks and crevices: Use caulk or silicone sealant to seal any cracks or crevices in the walls, baseboards, and furniture because bed bugs frequently hide in them.
  • Inform neighbors: Bed bugs can travel from unit to unit in multi-unit apartments or buildings, so it is important to inform nearby neighbors about the infestation so that they too can prepare and be treated accordingly.
  • Be ready to leave for a few hours: Most treatment methods require you to leave your homes for several hours to avoid exposure to strong chemicals or high temperatures. You need to let your bedbug exterminator know if you have any special needs and considerations that must be accommodated.

By properly preparing for bed bug extermination, you can help ensure that the treatment will be as effective as possible in eliminating bed bugs from your home. It saves time and money for both you and the bed bug exterminator.

5. What should I look for when choosing a bed bug exterminator?

When choosing a bed bug exterminator, it is important to do your research and find a reputable, experienced, and knowledgeable pest control professional who can provide effective solutions for your bed bug problem. Here are some factors to consider when choosing a bed bug exterminator:

  • Credentials and Experience: Look for a bed bug exterminator who is licensed and certified, such as Eco Pest Control, as this ensures that they have the necessary training and expertise. Check how long they have been in business and read customer reviews (we have more than 1,200 five-star reviews on Google) to see if they have a history of providing quality service.
  • Treatment methods: Bed bug exterminators should offer a variety of treatments such as chemical, heat, and freezing. They should be willing to discuss which treatment options are right for you based on the extent of the infestation and your specific needs. They should be able to explain the advantages and disadvantages of each method so that you can make an informed decision.
  • Cost and warranty: Get a quote and compare bed bug extermination service fees across multiple companies. They should be transparent about pricing and provide a warranty for their service. Make sure you understand what the warranty covers and for how long.
  • Customer service: Bed bugs can be a very sensitive issue to homeowners, and bed bug exterminators should be communicative and responsive. Look for a company with a clear communication policy and values customer satisfaction. Ask about their service and follow-up schedules to ensure that they will continue to provide excellent service even after the initial treatment.
  • Reputation: A bed bug exterminator with a good reputation is important. Check reviews on social media, review sites, and the testimonials on their website. Reach out to people you know who have dealt with a bed bug infestation that has been effectively addressed by an exterminator to gauge their experience.

6. Can bed bugs come back after an extermination?

While bed bug extermination can be effective at eliminating bed bugs, there is always a risk of re-infestation. It is important to understand that bed bug extermination is not a one-time treatment, and it may take multiple treatments before bed bugs are eliminated. Even if bed bugs were eliminated, there is always the possibility of another infestation because bed bugs can be picked up unknowingly from almost any public place (movie theaters, public transportation, hotels, etc.) or from personal belongings that had come in contact with bed bugs.

To minimize the risk of re-infestation, you should continue monitoring your home after treatment, follow bed bug prevention tips, and contact a bed bug exterminator immediately when you suspect another infestation.

7. How can I prevent bed bugs from returning after an extermination?

Preventing bed bugs from returning after an extermination treatment is crucial to maintain a bed bug-free environment at home or work. Here are some ways to prevent bed bugs from returning:

  • Inspect second-hand items: Second-hand furniture or clothing can be a source of bed bugs. Inspect them carefully before bringing them into your home.
  • Seal cracks and crevices: Use caulk or silicone sealant to seal any cracks and crevices in the walls, baseboards, and furniture. Bed bugs frequently hide in them.
  • Use bed bug-proof covers: Invest in bed bug-proof encasements for your mattress and box spring. These covers work by keeping bed bugs from getting in, or trapping them if they are already present, thus preventing them from spreading.
  • Reduce clutter: Bed bugs love to hide in clutter, so it is best to remove any unnecessary items, and to regularly vacuum and dust areas in the house.
  • Wash bedding routinely: Wash bedding and clothing frequently in hot water around 130°-140°F to kill any bed bugs and their eggs.
  • Know how to identify bed bugs: Regularly check your furniture, bedding, and carpets for signs of bed bugs such as red or brown stains or exoskeletons, and immediately request an exterminator if you find any evidence.
  • Regular inspection by pest control: Regular inspection by Eco Pest Control can detect signs of bed bug activity early and help prevent future bed bug infestations.

By following these prevention methods, you can help reduce the risk of bed bugs returning after extermination. To ensure maximum protection against bed bugs, a combination of prevention measures and being on the lookout for bed bug signs is important. Prevention is always the best course to avoid and minimize future bed bug infestations.
