5 Most Common Basement Bugs
Basements are often the home of many unwanted critters. This is because they are dark, humid, and offer a great hiding spot for pests. Basements are one of the ideal breeding grounds for bugs. This can be a big problem if you have a finished basement, as getting rid of these pests can be exceedingly difficult.
Basement bugs can also be a real nuisance because of their ability to cause structural damage to your home and carry diseases that can make you and your family sick.
There are a variety of ways you can get rid of stubborn basement bugs. You can call a pest control company, or if you’d like, you can try to get rid of them yourself. Before you can do one of these things, you should identify the kind of bug with which you are dealing. By knowing what type of pest has invaded your home, you’ll have an easier time choosing the best method for eliminating them from your home. Here are the five most common basement bugs you’re likely to find.
1. Cockroaches
A cockroach might be one of the world’s most common and unsightly pests and one of the most resilient. They love dark, damp places such as basements and can live for up to a year without food. They’re also known for carrying diseases.
An excellent way to keep cockroaches away from your basement is to keep it clean and clutter free. Cockroaches love feeding on food and rubbish. To keep them away, make sure you don’t leave any food out in the open and seal any cracks or holes in your walls or floors. Cockroaches are good at fitting through tiny spaces.
2. Silverfish
Silverfish are small, wingless insects that love dark, humid places – including basements. These tiny insects aren’t harmful to humans. However, they can cause a lot of damage to your things.
Silverfish are attracted to dampness, so make sure your basement is well-ventilated. You should also regularly check and repair your basements. If you spot any holes or cracks on your walls or floors, seal them immediately. The key to keeping these bugs at bay is to keep your basement clean and free from clutter to discourage them from taking up residence.
3. House Centipedes
House centipedes are long, thin insects that have a lot of legs. These terrifying looking pests are beneficial, as they feed on other insects. However, you don’t want them getting comfortable in your basement.
To keep house centipedes out of your basement, ensure there are no cracks or holes in your walls and floors. Tidy up and keep your basement clean and free of clutter, as centipedes like to hide in dark, moist places.
4. Carpenter Ants
Ants are usually harmless, but there’s one type of ant you don’t want around your home. Carpenter ants are big and destructive ants that can cause considerable damage. When these ants visit your home, you will need to call a professional. These large ants love to feed on wood, which can cause severe damage to your home if left unchecked.
There’s no surefire way to prevent carpenter ants from entering your basement. However, you can discourage them by keeping your basement clean and wood free.
5. Earwigs
Earwigs are tiny insects that have a pair of pincers on their back end. These bugs don’t seem to be dangerous, but they can be a nuisance if they come in large numbers. Earwigs don’t typically cause damage to homes, but they can be unsightly and cause an infestation if left alone.
What to Do
If you spot any of these pests roaming around your basement, you should deal with them immediately, because leaving them unchecked can make things worse. There are several methods to get rid of bugs and pests in your home, but a pest control company is always available to help if needed. Keep your basement clean and free of clutter, seal any cracks or holes in your walls and floors, and ventilate your basement to keep it dry.
About the Author
David Clark is the CEO of Basement Guides and has extensive experience in basement-related problems and home safety. He has written and published many resources and guides related to senior home safety, grants, and home modifications. David is currently working to spread the word about senior home safety and health through resourceful guides and articles.
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